Dear Dr. Roach, • I became recognized with excessive LDL cholesterol 20 years in the past. I had been taking higher statin doses and now take Crestor 20 mg. Due to muscle pain, my cardiologist prescribed Praluent injections of 75 mg every two weeks to lower my LDL to underneath 77. I am 74 and have coronary heart stents in my proper coronary artery. Praluent is a monoclonal antibody, and the literature states that it could decrease your immunity. I also have low-grade prostate cancer that has been strong in view that diagnosed in 2012. Is there a danger that Praluent could motive my prostate most cancer to enhance? — J.E.

Cholesterol meds will not spur boom of prostate cancer 1Answer • Although taking a statin changed into one idea to boom most cancers risk, more than one research has since located no convincing evidence that that is the case. Praluent (alirocumab) is in a new elegance of drugs, referred to as the PCSK-nine inhibitors. They have no longer been used for extremely long, but I found no proof that these tablets grow most cancers hazard either. There became some subject that the boom in bile acids seen in people handled with those drugs may predispose them to colon cancer. However, preliminary research has now not shown any problems up to now with either Praluent or evolocumab (Redpath).

I believe that for you, heart sickness is a larger threat to your lifestyle than your prostate cancer. Since you can’t tolerate a statin, a PCSK-nine inhibitor is much more likely to lengthen your lifestyles by way of decreasing heart ailment hazard than it’s miles to shorten your existence via growing prostate most cancers hazard. There isn’t any proof that it does so. Dear Dr. Roach • Ever in view that my mother has become unwell, my father’s health has gone downhill. He has hassle strolling and getting up from a sitting position, and he rarely has any feeling in his palms. It has gotten so bad that he has to choose things up with the webbing of his palms then manage it to a suitable role. His doctor claims that that is vintage age, but I fear it can be a bone issue. Many years in the past, a buddy of mine located that she couldn’t increase her arm past her shoulders and ultimately had a neck surgical procedure at the age of 80 to accurately it. My father is 77 and turned into best till currently. Could something else be incorrect? — J.P.

Answer • It is NOT “old age.”
It’s a hassle with his anxious system, but I can’t inform you precisely without a more comprehensive evaluation. There are numerous in all likelihood opportunities, including carpal tunnel syndrome, however many others. He needs to have an assessment. A neurologist might be a high-quality area to begin.

Dr. Roach Writes • A current column on itchy ears generated numerous letters from readers, in general asking whether this turned due to allergic reactions. One man or woman discovered that it changed into the dye from shampoo that seemed to purpose the symptom. Several humans wrote in that remedy with medicated selenium shampoo helped remedy their problem.

A slender white female, age 55, never has smoked, rarely beverages, eat a wholesome food plan, walks every day, and does yoga two times per week. These days went to her medical doctor and turned into advised she has high LDL cholesterol. Her LDL (bad) cholesterol is 171, with overall cholesterol of 260. (An LDL degree above 190 is the motive for the issue.) Her medical doctor stated she desires to alternate what she’s ingesting if she doesn’t want to start taking a statin, cholesterol-lowering medication.


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