From time to time, an unexpected life-altering surprise is thrown our way. You can feel on top of the world when suddenly something catastrophic changes your outlook. Everyone faces these types of troubles at one point or another. The key is to bounce back feeling better about yourself and how you handled the unwanted surprise.
The pandemic taught us how to react to so many unexpected events. Life was halted, and many individuals were dealing with terrifying health concerns. Others lost their jobs and faced a piling stack of unpaid bills. Some lost family members or friends, leaving them isolated, alone, and depressed. And while the pandemic isn’t over, many are starting to leave their homes as new, changed people.
Dealing with life’s less-than-happy surprises doesn’t mean you have to ignore your feelings. It also doesn’t require you to be cheerful all the time. Rather, it’s about picking yourself back up after being knocked down and moving forward. Outlined below are three types of life’s less happy surprises and tips for how to handle them.
1. Medical Diagnoses
Health scares can be, well, scary. If you’ve ever been diagnosed with a disease or condition, you know the paralyzing fear that often takes over. You understand how you may feel overwhelmed, terrified, and confused. Once you or a loved one are diagnosed with a medical condition, you should learn about it. Knowledge is power and will help you feel more in control when you know what to expect next.
Fortunately, the pandemic has increased the availability of virtual health appointments. Now, you can connect with a specialist from anywhere in the world at the click of a button. This could be particularly helpful if you need a specific medication. For instance, if you’ve previously been diagnosed with herpes, you can obtain genital herpes treatment online. This option removes the stress of visiting a clinic and receiving treatment from a pharmacy.
It’s important to note that some diagnoses, including STIs such as herpes, can feel embarrassing or isolating. Remember, you never need to be ashamed of your diagnosis. Others are dealing with exactly what you are going through, many of whom may be in the same city. Seek support groups — either locally or virtually — if you’re struggling with your feelings about your diagnosis. The more open you are to talking about it, the more others will understand your perspective and needs.
2. Financial Burdens
With inflation, life today is more expensive than it was a year ago. Grocery prices are increasing, gas prices are skyrocketing, and interest rates are soaring. With this, you may find yourself unexpectedly helping out family members. You might also have debt or a low credit score that won’t budge. Any type of financial burden can be stressful and scary.
The key to getting through tough financial times is budgeting. And yet, this word in itself can be stressful! Many think budgeting means cutting back on all life’s “fun” parts. While you may need to cut back in some ways, it’s about planning for what you want in life.
Take a look at your weekly and monthly expenses. Besides the essentials — housing, food, transportation, and utilities — what is costing you the most? Maybe it’s ordering takeout multiple times a week or several monthly subscription services. Cutting back on unnecessary expenses can improve your financial stability. Budgeting will help you stay on track and feel more secure when faced with various financial burdens.
3. Unemployment
Losing a job can send you on an emotional rollercoaster. At first, you may feel anger and betrayal. You will likely be thinking about how you will provide for yourself and your family. Next, you’ll be stressed looking for new employment and overwhelmed by the process of job searching. These feelings are all normal, and nearly 6 million Americans today are right there with you experiencing unemployment woes.
Once you’ve allowed yourself to process the reality of your new circumstances, taking action is important. In some ways, losing your job can be a blessing if you are unhappy or unfulfilled. Think about what truly lights you up and what skills you bring to an employer. Ask friends for recommendations, and don’t be ashamed to let your LinkedIn network know you’re searching for work. The more people know about your situation, the more support you will receive.
While job searching, looking out for your short-term needs is important. Filing for unemployment can be tedious, but plenty of resources are available online to aid you in the process. If you cannot pay rent, speak with your landlord about your situation. Some community organizations assist in paying rent and utility bills as well. You may be surprised how many people and resources can help if you let them know your current, unfortunate situation.
Life won’t always go your way. Everyone faces troubling times and circumstances that feel impossible to dig out of. Remember that it isn’t permanent, even at your lowest of lows. You are strong and capable of getting out of your current situation. It may take some time and effort, but think about how much better you will be on the other side.