As someone who has been battling depression for the last few years, I can tell you that I have learned a lot about this illness and how it affects others and myself. My daughter just turned two, and we’ve been dealing with many things that come with a baby and toddler. I thought I was alone in feeling this way until I met other moms with similar experiences, and I realized that it’s okay to talk about this stuff because it is something we all struggle with from time to time.

One of those things is depression. We had a rough start, and it was only after I wrote this blog that I realized how prevalent depression is among mothers. It’s a real thing, and I wanted to share my experience so that other moms don’t have to suffer through the same thing. Depression is not just a mommy issue. I’ve noticed that men suffer from depression, too. It can happen to anyone. When I was diagnosed with depression, I remember crying myself to sleep for weeks. I had tried everything to get better, and nothing worked. The medications didn’t help, therapy or CBT or exercise, or anything else. It felt hopeless. I just wanted to crawl into bed and never wake up.


Why you should care about depression

Depression is not always a big deal. Many people have a bad day now and then, and some even turn to drugs to help them cope. But for many people who live with it every day, it’s a real struggle. It can make it hard t in life, and it can even affect their family life. One of the most surprising aspects of depression is that a chemical imbalance causes it. Research shows that “depressed” people have lower levels of serotonin and norepinephrine, two chemicals that are important for regulating emotions and energy. If you’re interested in learning more about what causes depression, check out this scientifically backed infographic.

What it is like to be a mom with depression

There are many depression symptoms that we all face, and I’m sure most of us have experienced a bout of it at least once in our lives. However, many moms struggle with it because it is accurate. While it may seem relevant to other women, it’s a huge problem. If you’re a mom, then you’ve probably felt it. You’ve probably thought twice if you’re a mom to a toddler. I don’t know what it’s like to have a newborn or an infant, but I do know that the second time around is much harder. The hormones are different, the sleep cycle is different, and the responsibility is.

The difference between ordinary and clinical depression

I’m a mom of two little girls who are growing up fast. They are sweet and intelligent and full of energy but moody. As I write this blog, my two-year-old daughter sits beside me with a book while my two-week-old daughter sleeps soundly in her crib. We’re all smiling, but I can see some e struggles underneath the smiles. My daughter is showing signs of clinical depression. She has always been a happy child, but lately, she’s become withdrawn and irritable.

She’s also been having bad dreams. My husband and I are trying to figure out what’s going on, but I’m not sure if this is just a normal part of being a new mom or something more serious. It’s not just me that’s struggling. A lot of moms are. That’s why I’m writing this blog. I want to help other moms, and I know I’m not alone. The good news is that my daughter is starting to feel better. She’s smiling more, and she’s getting back into things. The bad news is that she’s still having nightmares, and she’s still struggling to sleep through the night.

The impact of depression

According to the World Health Organization, depression affects more than 300 million people globally. The stats are pretty shocking, especially when considering that the most common mental disorder is still taboo. If you’ve got a child under the age of five, you know exactly what I mean. Most parents don’t talk about it, and even fewer talk about how much it sucks. It’s also common for people to assume that a depressed person has just “lost it” and needs professional help.  But in reality, it’s usually just a case of having a low mood for a couple of weeks.

The problem is that the “low mood” part is often the hardest to treat. If you’re going through it, it’s easy to feel like you’re crazy, and seeking medical help makes you want to run away. And if you’re lucky, you get a diagnosis, and you can finally start feeling better. But it’s not always that easy. In fact, I’m fortunate because I had a diagnosis of depression before I became a mom. I’ve also got a few tricks to make sure I don’t feel like a crazy person.

Frequently Asked Questions Depression as a Mom

Q: How do you feel about moms who use their children to cope with depression?

A: I feel it’s a very selfish way to cope. There are other ways to cope.

Q: What is one thing you’d like people to know about depression?

A: Depression can be crippling. If you think someone is depressed, please take the time to get them the help they need.

Q: What is one thing about yourself that you like the most?

A: I like dealing with my kids’ unique needs. My oldest son has autism, and my middle daughter has ADHD. I can deal with things that I think would be too overwhelming for other parents.

Top 7 Myths About Depression as a Mom

1. Depression is a personal choice.

2. “But it’s my fault for not being happy!”

3. The cause of depression is all in your head.

4. It’s a personal choice to be unhappy.

5. It’s not that bad!

6. It will get better if you do this or that.


We moms get tired. We get frustrated. We get stressed. And we can feel like we’re not doing our job. But depression as a mom? There’s a difference between feeling tired, frustrated, and like you aren’t doing your job. Depression as a mom is a very real thing. And it’s essential to understand it because it can affect your relationship with your kids and your ability to keep up with your responsibilities.


I blog because it’s fun! My blog is all about making a healthy living as easy and accessible as possible. I enjoy sharing my favorite recipes and fitness tips with readers. I live in Northern Virginia and spend my free time running, hiking, cooking, and trying to keep fit.